Last Modified: KB » ⟨Pre⟩serve Pro
General Overview

This plugin automatically pulls `backticks`, <pre>, <code>, and <samp> tags (and their contents) out of the content-filter equation in WordPress, making it easier to write code samples for others, which might include [shortcodes], HTML &entities;, CSS, JavaScript, or otherwise contain data that could be corrupted by default filters in WordPress, such as wpautop.

This task is accomplished by tokenizing these special tags in the earliest possible phase of content filtration, and then restoring tokenized tags at the very end, with their original data still intact; i.e., producing an end result, as written.

This plugin is most commonly used by WordPress developers who wish to document the use of [shortcodes] that they also use on their own site; e.g., shortcodes that would otherwise be parsed by WordPress instead of making it into the final output as example code. While the same can be accomplished using shortcode [[escape]] brackets supported in WordPress core, with this plugin it's no longer necessary to escape specific shortcodes, or even worry about which shortcodes you use on your own site, and which ones you don't.

Jetpack Compatible: In addition to <pre>, <code>, and <samp> tags, the plugin also preserves data inside `backticks` and ```fenced``` code blocks, which is a common practice when writing in Markdown. Therefore, this plugin is also fully compatible with the Jetpack Markdown module for any post type that supports wpcom-markdown — such as Posts and Pages.