Last Modified: KB » WooCommerce Restrictions
Is it compatible with the ‘Give Products’ extension for WooCommerce?

It is, yes. The WooCommerce Give Products extension allows you to give away access to Restrictions via WooCommerce Products, and WooCommerce Restrictions is fully compatible with the 'Give Products' extension for WooCommerce.

Note: WooCommerce Give Products is an add-on sold separately by WooCommerce.

Tip: Even without the 'Give Products' extension, you can always give any User access to any given set of Restrictions that you've configured. This is accomplished by editing the account for a User and configuring 'Customer Permissions'.

In short, it is Customer Permissions that allow any given User (even if they're not a paying Customer) to access restricted content. Customer Permissions can be given by the site owner or obtained through the purchase of a WooCommerce Product. Ordinarily, Customer Permissions are acquired by a Customer after completing checkout, but you can choose to grant them permission yourself at any time you like. See: Managing Customer Permissions