Last Modified: KB » WP Site Search Pro
How does the query variable work?

The WP Site Search query variable is what the plugin uses to pass search terms to the search page. For most sites, the default q variable will work just fine but you can customize this variable if you'd like.

When the variable name is set to q (the default), and your search page has the slug /search (also the default), then searches will be performed using the following request URI:

/search/?q=[search terms]

When you configure WP Site Search so that it handles all WordPress searches automatically, then any time WP Site Search sees a request like: /?s=[search terms], that will automatically redirect a visitor to: /search/?q=[search terms]

If you set the variable name to query instead of q, then searches will be performed using the following request URI:

/search/?query=[search terms]

Note: Please do not use s here; it's reserved for WordPress itself.