WordPress Theme Integration

The KB Articles plugin integrates with any theme for WordPress automatically, because it integrates with a WordPress core feature, Custom Post Types. Whenever you install the KB Articles plugin it adds a new Post Type that is specifically for KB Articles. The KB Articles plugin also adds support for what is referred to as a […]

[kb /] Shortcode

The Shortcode produces a summary of KB Articles in a variety of ways. By default, it also displays a KB Article search box, Categories, and Tags. However, all of this behavior can be altered through the Shortcode Attributes described in this article. Default Behavior This example is quick & easy. The built-in defaults are all […]

WooCommerce Integration

The KB Articles plugin works both as a global knowledge base (i.e., you can write articles that are not associated with any specific WooCommerce Product), and it also makes it easy to build Product-specific knowledge bases too. Product-Specific KB Articles Whenever you create a new KB Article, you can choose to connect that article to […]