WP Tocify comes ready-to-go, i.e., no configuration needed. However, there are a few options that you can customize if you'd like. In this article I'll walk through each of them, explaining each one a little bit and linking to other articles that go into more detail. Dashboard Location DashboardSettingsWP Tocify JS / CSS Content Selector […]
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Knowledge Base Articles
CSS / Style Options
By default, WP Tocify uses the # symbol to denote an anchored heading, both in the article itself and also in a TOC (Table of Contents). However, this symbol and other styles associated with the WP Tocify plugin can be customized further if you'd like. Dashboard Location DashboardSettingsWP TocifyCSS / Style Options Popular Anchor Symbols […]
Include/Exclude Post Types
A Table of Contents can be used for any Post in WordPress, no matter the Post Type. However, there are some Post Types that simply do not need a Table of Contents. For example, if your WordPress theme (or another plugin) introduces a Custom Post Type called 'Redirects' or 'Forum Topics', a TOC wouldn't make […]
TOC (Table of Contents) Shortcode
Using the TOC Shortcode is completely optional. This feature allows you to have the TOC inserted into a specific location that you choose, instead of it floating left or right of the main content body in the article you're writing. This can be helpful when the default approach taken by the WP Tocify plugin (i.e., […]
TOC (Table of Contents) Widget
Using the TOC Widget is completely optional. This feature allows you to have the TOC inserted into an existing Sidebar Widget Area instead of into the main content body of the article you're writing. This can be helpful when the content body in your WordPress theme is rather cramped when a TOC is present. Using […]
JS/CSS Content Selector
WP Tocify is powered by JavaScript. Therefore, it needs to know where 'the content' is located in a Post or Page. In most WordPress themes, this can be determined through standard CSS class names. One of .entry-content or .hentry. If neither of those are found, WP Tocify will simply look for an HTML tag with […]
Basic Configuration (5 Minutes)
Getting started with WP Site Search is easy because it automatically creates a Page in WordPress where search queries will be handled (the Page is created with the title "Search"). All you need to do is configure a few basic options, which I'll walk through in this article. Dashboard Location DashboardSettingsSite Search As seen in […]
Redirecting WordPress Searches
WordPress comes with its own built-in search functionality but that functionality is limited — it's certainly not Google! WP Site Search is powered by the Google search engine, so once you have WP Site Search configured and Google has crawled your site, it's a good idea to redirect default WordPress search engine queries to WP […]
Setting a ‘Search’ Page
When you install WP Site Search, it automatically creates a new Page in WordPress with the slug /search and configures itself to use that Page to serve all WP Site Search results from. In the content of this newly created Page, a required shortcode is added: That shortcode must exist for searches to be handled […]
Creating Custom Search Tabs
Sometimes a visitor is searching for something specific and it can help if you provide them with a way to narrow the results to a particular type of content. So for instance, instead of searching your entire site for a keyword or phrase, I could search KB Articles, or Forums, or Blog Posts, etc. This […]