Shortcode Attributes

The Shortcode can be used in many different ways. Below you will find documentation for all of the Shortcode Attributes that are currently supported, along with a few examples of their use. More examples can be found throughout our knowledgebase. Shortcode Attributes php="{raw}" (powerful ) current_user_is_logged_in="{bool}" current_user_can="{capability|expr}" current_user_is_paying_customer="{bool}" current_user_bought_product="{ID|SKU|expr}" current_user_can_download="{ID|SKU|expr}" current_user_meta="{key|expr}" current_user_option="{key|expr}" request_var="{key|expr}" Shortcode Modifier […]

Protecting Content by URI Pattern

Protecting content with URI Patterns allows you to protect almost any content served by WordPress. You can protect multiple Posts and Pages using wildcards and regular expressions with WRegx™ (Watered-Down Regex). Dashboard Location DashboardRestrictionsAdd Restriction Here you will find a meta box: Protected URI Patterns, where you can protect one or more URI Patterns. This […]

Packaging Custom Capabilities for Sale

Selling a Customer access to a Custom Capability (CCAP) implies that you are going to check for this CCAP somewhere in your theme, plugin, or in conditionals that you add to a Post. For example, if(current_user_can('access_ccap_something') where something is a CCAP you created. If the Customer paid for access to a Restriction that protects the […]

Protecting Content by Category or Tag

Protecting a _Taxonomy Term_ of any type (for example: *Category*, *Tag*) protects permalinks leading to *Posts* that are associated with that _Term_.

Protecting Content by Author

Protecting an Author (a User who has authored a Post or Page) protects all Permalinks leading to Posts (of any type) that were written by that Author. Dashboard Location DashboardRestrictionsAdd Restriction This is where you create a new Restriction. There is a meta box here called Protected Authors where you can restrict content by particular […]

Protecting an Entire Post ‘Type’

Protecting a Post Type will automatically protect all Post permalinks associated with that Type. For instance, if you wanted to protect all bbPress Topics, you could protect the 'Topic' Post Type. The same would be true for any Custom Post Type that you might install via other plugins for WordPress. Dashboard Location See: DashboardRestrictionsAdd Restriction […]

Protecting a Post/Page in WordPress

Protecting a Post of any type (e.g., Post, Page, Product) will protect the permalink leading to that Post. It will also protect any other child Posts in a hierarchy. For instance, protecting a parent Page also protects any child Pages, and protecting a bbPress Forum also protects all Topics/Replies in that Forum. This works for […]

Managing Customer Permissions

WooCommerce Restrictions guard access. Then, it is Customer Permissions that allow any given User to access restricted content. Customer Permissions can be given by the site owner or obtained through the purchase of a WooCommerce Product; e.g., a Product that is configured to provide a Customer with access to one or more Restrictions. This results […]

Selling Access to Restrictions

You can sell access to one or more WooCommerce Restrictions by creating a new WooCommerce Product and attaching Customer Permissions to it. This way, when a Customer buys the Product they will automatically gain access to protected content. Dashboard Location See: DashboardProductsAdd Product Screenshot